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awareness of high blood pressure
High Blood Pressure – A Silent Killer

Hypertension or high blood pressure is one of the most dangerous conditions that is known to affect the mass population of India. Hypertension is called the “Silent Killer” because it can show very little to no symptoms at all, but cause serious damage to the heart and the arteries that might lead to death. If […]

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COVID-19 complications: Effect of coronavirus on pulmonary conditions

As coronavirus has swept across the globe, it is crucial to understand the effect of covid-19 on your pulmonary system. A close family of SARS, novel coronavirus also affects the respiratory tract in human beings. The infection which might start with mild flu-like symptoms can even cause death due to acute pneumonia and ARDS. In […]

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Life after lockdown: 5 precautions to take the post-COVID-19 scenario

As the world is adopting the new normal, precautions must be taken to slow down the spread of coronavirus. Isolating yourself within the confinement of your space isn’t an option always. Instead, you must follow the covid-19 protocol for un-lockdown even though the restrictions have been lifted.  Here is a list of 5 safety tips: […]

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Why regular health monitoring is essential, especially in elderly, post COVID recovery

Coronavirus has become the talk of the town and from children to the older adults, everyone is in fear of the virus. Several precautions are being taken to protect oneself from the deadly infection and to battle the situation with valour.  Attention, please!  Covid-19 pandemic has shaken the world leaving many dead and many more […]

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