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Why You Need to Care About the Microbiome of the Gut?

Bacteria present in the gut have plenty of important functions. They help to break down food and are essential for the developmental and defensive functions of the body. There are around 1014 bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. They outnumber the human cells 10:1 and contribute close to 8 million extra genes! Every individual’s gut bacteria […]

2023 Adenovirus Outbreak in West Bengal, Learn More

Adenovirus is a common group of viruses that causes cold or flu-like infections. According to researchers, there are around 50 types of adenovirus affecting humans. The condition tends to peak around winter and spring. At present, in West Bengal, there is an outbreak of adenovirus cases. The government has sent 500 samples to NICED and […]

How Do Blood Pressure Medicines Work?

To combat the problem of high blood pressure, one needs to visit the doctor, make lifestyle changes, and also take medication. However, you may be wondering how medicines help a person tackle high blood pressure. In today’s blog, we tell you how high blood pressure treatment in Kolkata includes medication and how that works to […]

Foods to Eat and Avoid When You Have Ulcers

Ulcers are open sores that are caused when the protective lining of your stomach breaks down thanks to stomach acid. Ultimately, the stomach lining becomes damaged. To this date, it is known that there are 2 causes of ulcers. Ulcers are caused by an infection with the bacteria H. pylori bacteria and taking high dosages […]

All You Need To Know About Thyroid Hormone Replacement Therapy

Thyroid hormone replacement therapy is required for those patients who suffer from hypothyroidism. When the thyroid gland produces little to no T4 (thyroxine) hormone, then thyroid replacement therapy is usually prescribed. A general physician doctor in Kolkata takes a look at the details. What is Thyroid Hormone Replacement Therapy? This is a therapy where synthetic […]